Flags of the Day
Today is Independence Day in the Republic of Georgia; and Republic Day in Malta. On this date in 1949 Newfoundland joined the Canadian confederation.
Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.
Vexillarium is a Latin based word meaning Flag Room. It might also be translated into the naval term, Flag Locker. With the opening of Vexillarium, I welcome you into my Flag Locker.
Many of us are sympathetic to folks who wish to come to America to find a better life. Many of us who are descended from immigrants of a century or two (or three) ago still cling to a fondness for the "mother countries" of our ancestors. However, most of us do not want to turn America into what our ancestral countries are or were. A visible symbol like this one at Montebello High School in Montebello, California, sends the wrong message altogether.
While Bill Frist, MD, et al., are pushing forward an amendment to the US Constitution to allow the outlawing of flag desecration in the American federation, a bill to make it a federal criminal offence to destroy or damage their national flag is being considered by the parliament of the Australian federation.
Well, not really. It would have been if we still operated under the Julian calendar. But then, if we still operated under the Julian calendar, today would be April 13th.
The Senate version of the bill to adopt an official salute to the Tennessee flag, passed by a unanimous vote in the Tennessee Senate yesterday.
"A 75-year-old union flag that once flew above Ottawa's second city hall has been recovered."
After three Muslim conscripts of the Austrian army refused to salute the Austrian flag at a parade and instead turned their backs on it, an imam was summoned to issue a fatwa stating that Muslims are allowed to salute the Austrian flag.
When Rosa Parks died, President Bush ordered flags on Federal buildings lowered to half-mast on the day of her funeral. In Columbia, South Carolina, folks noticed that flags were not half-masted on State buildings. It was not that the governor intended to insult the memory of Mrs. Parks. The problem was that the South Carolina Code specified when the flag could be half-masted, and gave the governor no discretion to order it done at other times.
From The Irish Times:
NASHVILLE, TENN. -- The original 1820s Old Glory flag, made famous during the Civil War, is returning to Nashville for the first time in more than 100 years to be displayed at the Tennessee State Museum.
State Representative Tom DuBois (R-Columbia) wants a four-line rhyme professing pride and love for the Tennessee flag to be recited by the legislature for now, and maybe someday by schoolchildren pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag.
According to Punjab Law Minister Basharat Raja: