Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Armed Forces Anniversary Day in Brunei; and Independence Day in South Africa.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Anguilla Day. It is also Statehood Day in Croatia.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Memorial Day in the United States of America. Flags are flown at half-staff until noon, at which time they are raised to full staff.

Today is also Flag Day in Finland; Ratification Day in Rhode Island and Providence Plantation; and Statehood Day in Wisconsin.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is First Armenian Republic Day; Independence Day in Azerbaijan; and the anniversary of the Defeat of Mengistu Regime in Ethiopia.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Flag of the Day

Today is Heroes' Day in Uganda.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Independence Day in Georgia and Guyana.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Africa Day. It is 1810 Revolution Day in Argentina; and Independence Day in Jordan.

Flag of the African Union courtesy of Flags of the World (FOTW). Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Secession wins!

Montenegro voted by a margin of just over 55% to sever its ties with Serbia. The European Union had declared their intent to recognize Montenegrin independence if the vote in favour of secession was 55% or higher.

Boris Tadic president of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro, said of the election results, "I supported the preservation of a joint state, but as a democratic president of a democratic republic, I recognize the expression of the free will of the Montenegrin citizens."

Flags of the Day

Today is Bermuda Day. It is Culture Day in Bulgaria; Battle of Pichiucha Day in Ecuador; Independence Day in Eritrea; and Commonwealth Day in Trinidad and Tobago.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Back on-line

I was knocked off-line by an evil computer virus. Business travel (7 out of 10 business days) helped slow my recovery. But I am back now and will resume bloggins.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Minnesota Day.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Europe Day in Belgium; Victory Day in Croatia, Russia, and Ukraine; Hidalgo Day in Mexico; and Battle of Helgoland Day in Denmark. It is also Confederate Memorial Day in North Carolina.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Victory Day in Belgium and France; Liberation Day in the Czech Republic and Norway; Hidalgo Day in Mexico; and Victory in Europe (V-E) Day and President Harry S. Truman's Birthday in the United States of America. On this date in 1863 the Granadine Confederation became the United States of Colombia.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Spring Day in Scotland; and State Ploughing Ceremony Day in Thailand.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Secession Day in Arkansas; Shepherd's & Herdsman's Day in Bulgaria; Prayer Day in Denmark; Martyrs' Day in Lebanon; and Day of Bravery in the Philippines.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Patriotism, yes. Idolatry, no.

Father Jim Tucker posts some thoughts on flags on other symbols on his Dappled Things blog this morning. I post the following quote, with which I agree.

    This is part of what I think is at the heart of this sort of exaggerated "outrage": In addition to the political questions and fears (which are understandable), there is a cultural problem of having sacralized the emblems of the Nation. To deface the American flag becomes an act of "desecration," to be criminalized by Constitutional amendment. To sing the Anthem in some other language becomes an affront to the holiness of that hymn and the sacred language of English. It's no coincidence that the great monuments in DC resemble temples, or that the statues to our great statesmen take on the aura of the effigies of saints. The pledge of allegiance, which I've written about before, just needs an "Amen" tacked on to make it complete. Caesar has basically deified himself again. People of faith, in particular, ought to be very, very uncomfortable with that kind of statist religiosity that turns patriotism, which is in itself a good thing, into something bordering on the idolatrous.

    As Americans, we have much to be proud of culturally and politically. But it's good to remember that a great part of that American legacy is individual liberty, severe limits on government power, and a natural aversion to having to think, speak, or act homogeneously. All of which lead me not to worry much about foreign flags or other languages.

Flags of the Day

Today is Constitution Memorial Day in Japan; Constitution Day in the Poland; and the Feast of Saints Philip and James, apostles.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Flags of the Day

Today is Flag Day in Austria; Labour Day in Germany; Constitution Day in the Marshall Islands; and the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. On this date in 1863 the second National Flag of the Confederate States of America was adopted.

Animated flags provided courtesy of Pascal Gross. Confederate flag provided courtesy of Flags Of The Confederacy.